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Starting On the Path

August 22nd, 2010 at 01:53 am

I'm taking the plunge - going to see if this blogging thing can help me on my path to debt reduction.

And it's a big whopping pile of debts.

Including my mortgages (I have four - two each on two houses) I'm quite certain that my debt totals more than one million. I haven't added my balances up recently but last time I did it was over the $1M mark.

I read the SA forums regularly for quite some time but never paid much attention to the blogs. Then a year and a half ago I started blogging for my business (real estate) and became hooked on blogging (and had no time for any of the frugal living sites!). It dawned on me tonight that it might be a good idea to use a blog as a means to bring some order to my finances.

So here goes.

My intention is to check in daily to record my spending and income generating activities and to use the blog as a means to organize just where I stand with my finances and debts.

Self-employment in sales makes you both vulnerable and empowered. My income is to a great extent unpredictable - but I have the ability to increase my income. I worked for years in jobs where the oh-so-small annual raises did not keep up with the increases in my bill payments. But self-employment requires discipline and motivation to do what it takes to make more money. I'm hoping to use this blog to keep me on track in that respect too.

In fact, maybe just maybe I'll use this blog (love the anonymity!) to work on the whole mess - I'm an undisciplined clutterbug with a messy house and a whole lotta weight to lose. Let's see if blogging can help me get my life in order!

So, I'm off. Choosing the fork in the road towards a debt-free future (and the skinny new me in the clean house!).